All our projects fall under one or more of our 4 aims which have been developed from listening and talking to residents on the estate.
Youth:Empower residents to work together and develop confidence to make their voices heard in the wider community. Nurture networking and the sharing of experiences as part of a learning process. Including, developing capacity to organise structures and practise such committee skills, financial management and evaluation.
Environment:To promote and improve for the public benefit community assets in Sale West, including green spaces fit for the future, so they are able to meet the needs of all residents through a wide range of activities and support.
Employment & Training:To promote and improve for the public benefit opportunities for all people within Sale Westto reach their potential in developing skills, volunteering, gaining jobs and apprenticeships.
Health & Wellbeing:To help and support residents in Sale Westto improve their health, wellbeing, family life and community spirit.