Our Sale West is one of 150 Big Local initiatives across England, each of which has benefitted from an award of £1,000,000 to be invested over a period of 10 years into their communities. The Our Sale West Big Local covers the Sale West estate which was awarded the grant back in November 2015 after 3 years of hard work and planning by its residents.
Now it is full steam ahead, come and join us on the ride!
Our Board
The Our Sale West Board is mainly made up of residents, the majority of which must be from the Sale West estate. Formally set up in November 2015 this partnership of local people has been created to run the programme here in Sale West on behalf of Big Local.
A key feature of the ‘Our Sale West’ project is that it is led and managed by local residents, which means that local people will always decide what the priorities are for Sale West and how they should be addressed. The board has an important role in this making sure the plan is delivered and the money is spent on what the community wants.
The board meets formally every month, if you would like to know more about what types of things are discussed, all the agendas and minutes are uploaded to this website. Each year there will be an Annual General Meeting at which a third of the members will stand down to allow new members to be voted in.
Our Team
Our Sale West employs a team of workers to deliver projects in the community and to seek out additional funding so our million can go even further!
Project Development Manager – Clare Standish has been appointed to make sure that the aims of the plan are delivered as effectively as possible, establish projects, seek out new opportunities and funding, and to manage the team. Contact: clare.standish@oursalewest.co.uk
Project Development Assistant – Phillipa Tarmey-Holmes has been appointed to assist the manager in delivering the plan as well managing established projects such as Foodshare, The Bread and Butter Thing and Community Trips. Contact: phillipa.tarmey-holmes@oursalewest.co.uk
Engagement Officer – Samuel Cooper has been appointed to work with residents to gain funding and support to build a new community centre. He has also been successful in gaining additional funding for a new infant and a new junior playground both located in Sale West Woods. Contact: samuel.cooper@oursalewest.co.uk
Community Information Hub Coordinator – Lynne Stewart has been appointed to manage the Community Information Hub Mon-Wed. Here she can offer advise on debt, training, and employment. Contact: lynne.stewart@oursalewest.co.uk
Our Million
This money will be used over the next ten years and beyond to make Sale West estate an even better place in which to live, work and play!
All residents living within the Sale West estate will benefit both tenants and homeowners.
Our Community
Sale West estate is a small housing estate with a population of around 3,800 situated a couple of miles west of Sale Town Centre in Trafford one of the ten boroughs of Greater Manchester. The estate was built in the early 1970s to re-house people from the overcrowded inner city areas of Manchester.
In the past it has experienced problems with crime and has seen the loss some of its original community amenities. Despite this it still retains a strong community feel and its residents have an optimism for the future.
Prior to gaining the funding in November 2015 a lot of work was carried out by the board to pull together a Project plan of action which represented what the community wanted. This has been reviewed on a regular basis and new project plans have been produced and approved as the needs of the community have changed.